2024 Membership Renewal

All current club members should have received an email from British Riding Clubs about their 2024 membership renewal through Sport80.


You'll receive a link to set up an account and can follow the link below for advice on how to set up your account. You'll also have the option to renew your membership through the portal once you've set up your account. Please note that your membership  will no longer run from 1st January to 31st December each year but on a rolling annual renewal i.e. if you join 28/11/ 2023 your renewal date will be 28/11/ 2024  Details on how to do this are also included in the link and should be fairly easy to follow - Microsoft Word - Registering an existing BRC member (sport80.com)


It's a new system to us so there may be teething issues. If you are a current member with us and don't receive a link or have any questions  please reach out and we'll see what we can do to help.