New BRC Club Jumping Series

Compete Together

The aim of this series is to create an accessible and inclusive SJ series for BRC members who currently do not take part in qualifiers, perhaps due to be nervous about competing, have disabilities which prevents them from jumping higher or those who are new to BRC and maybe have never jumped before.
Our affiliated clubs and areas will run the relevant classes at their own club/ area shows for riders to gain qualification for the finals.

 The qualification period runs 1 April – 18 August 2025.


Classes at club event

- Cross pole/40cm
- 50cm
- 60cm

Clubs can run classes as one section or by splitting entries as per the finals format below if entries are adequate.

At the Final classes will split if entries are sufficient to the following:

- Under 12 – may be assisted (restricted eligibility)

- 12 – 18 – may be assisted (restricted eligibility)

- 19 and over – may be assisted (restricted eligibility)

- Open

For more information on this series and how to register look on the BRC website - Dressage to Music and Introductory Championships | The British Horse Society


As soon as we have dates for this they will be published on the website. They will probably be run in conjunction with one of our excellent venues in the Area